Thursday, September 8, 2011

September is here!

Its already SEPTEMBER again? Wow! Time flies! It just feels like yesterday when I was climbling up in daddy's truck for him to take me to school, when mom was the first in the pick up line everyday, when days seemed like years and I had no worries. I have been so blessed throughout the past (almost) 21 years of my life. God has blessed me with some amazing parents, grand-parents, family, and of course fantastic friends. Honestly, there is not much more I could have asked for these past 21 years.

Today, I look back and I am thankful. I am thankful for all of the hard lessons, all the belt whippin's, all of the prayers, and all the love. The older I get the more I learn, understand, and appreciate what I have been given.

If you know my mom, you know she has a big heart but she is a tough woman. I have always loved my mom, but we have not always got along. My "teen years" was a battle between mom and I. As much as I hate to admit it, we are too much alike. We never seen eye to eye on - well almost everything!! BUT mom always knew best- at the time I did not realize this, but now I do. I am so grateful for such a strong, loving, supportive mother. She has always been there for me and never let me down. I dont tell her enough how much I appreciate her but without her I wouldnt be here today nor would I be the woman I am today. She was hard on me at times but I look back now and see that it has made me a better person. She has let me learn some hard lessons on my own but always supported me and been there for me when I needed her. This is my birth month so I think my mom deserves a "happy 21 years of putting up with me award" :)

If you know my grandmother, you know she will pray for you till you pass out-literally! When I was little and would go visit, lu-lu( thats what I call my gma) she would read all the grandkids a bible story and we would all have to pray in the living room. Well... lulu would always pray last- josh, me, garrett, casey, and sawyer would all pray in about 60 sec then it was lulu's turn. She would name EVERY family member( we have a big family so it took awhiiiiilllle) then she would call out all of our names and say a special prayer for all of us. Most of the time, paw paw and us were passed out by the time she got to our names. When she prayed you know it met heaven. I know for a fact that I wouldnt be who I am today without her prayers. In fact, I talked to her on the phone today! I dont get to see my grandparents alot because they live out of town but I try to talk to them every now & then to catch up! I think my grandma deserves a "happy 21 years of praying for me award" :)

If you do not know... I am the only female on my mother's side of the family that is left to carry on the traditions and it is definately some BIG shoes to fill. My great grandmother had 4 girls, my grandma had 3 girls and mom of course had me! I am so blessed to have such amazing women in my life who have raised me with discipline, but with love and have taught me how to be a strong woman myself and to live my life with respect and dignity. I look forward to many more years of learning from them and all the new experiences that life will bring.

Today.. I am thankful !


Monday, August 22, 2011

Got the bug?!?

I have been laid up in my house for the past five days and I'm about to go crazy! Wednesday afternoon my throat started hurting a bit so I decided to go to the doctor on Thursday. I was diagnosed with tonsilitis/ bronchitis. The doctor gave me some meds and sent me on my way. I was sure after 24hours I would be feeling better but boy was I wrong!! My soar throat led to many other symptoms. Today, Monday, I decided to go back to the doctor for some answers. The doctor first thought it was the flu until she listened to my lungs. My lungs were very "raspy" so they took chest x rays and results came back that I have pneumonia. The doctor gave me a shot and some strong antibiotics and sent me home...not only is it horrible that I have pneumonia but I also missed my first day of fall classes and I'm still stuck in this dang bed!!!I must get better and get out of this house and back in my routine or I might just go crazy!! Well... I better get back to my "rest" but prayers are much appreciated during this time! Thank you all in advance :)

<3 wdy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It has been a busy summer!!

IM BACK!! Havent had time to blog in a few months but now im back to catch up--

 My summer has been busy busy to say the least. I started back to school full time so my days/nights/ and weekends were full of studying for a while! Im proud to say that at the end of the summer and 4 classes later I have finally submitted my nursing application to be viewed and hopefully I will be selected to start nursing school/clinicals in the spring semester (January). Prayers will be greatly appreciated :))

 In the past few months I have also got a new job which I LOVE! I am a student worker at South in the student accounting department. I work with a great group of ladies that keep me laughing all day. This job is such a blessing. I am able to work around my school schedule and I do not have to work nights and weekends (which I love the most).

My new shows are- The Batchelorette, Batchelor Pad 2, Sweet Home Alabama, Texas Women, Big Brother, Sister Pickers  and Food Network Star...random-I know!! I TRY to catch up on my favs in my spare time :)

My new interest is gardening...(well the flowerbeds and yard) I have neglected my flowerbeds over the busy summer but I am trying to get them back in shape and I have been spending time looking at new ideas in magazines for this fall. (Please send any ideas my way) I am proud to say that my yard is now 85% grass and 15% dirt...if you seen my yard a year ago you would understand my excitement. When I moved in my house a lil over a year ago I had about 5-10% grass and 90-95% dirt. Mark just finished a big project of moving the side fence/gate back where I now can begin building a carport- yay! Little by little I am getting the projects done- Next, a back porch is on the list!!

Stay Tuned..... :))

<3 WDY

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Mud bug fest is an annual event at red creek offroad camp. Last weekend mark and I attended mud bug fest. We had such a great time with each other as well as a few other couples that went.

Matt & Elaina

Erin & Adam

WhitLEY & Brandon
Brandi & Joe

 This weekend was one of the last weekends we got to spend with two of our friends before they boarded a helicopter and left for Iraq for a year. Matt Twiggs who has been a childhood friend of mine and later went to highschool with mark left today and will be gone for aprox. 1 year. Joe thorne, who left friday, is a new friend of ours. We are more than blessed to have these young men in our lives and appreciate all they do for us and our country. Please keep them and their families in your prayers throughout this next year. We love you, matt and Joe  !!

<3 whitney*deanne

Joe and Matt

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So...if you talk to me on a daily basis you will know that I am addicted to the show "Lost". About three weeks ago mark's twin sister, brooke introduced me to the six seasons of lost. In that small amount of time I have succesfully completed FIVE seasons :) brooke is still on season two and began watching it before me. When I start something I cant stand to quit until im done- so every spare second I get, I watch an episode. I have one more season left and I will be done with all six seasons. Im hoping the ending is as good as I am looking forward to! To say the least, mark hates lost. He says I never even pay him any attention. lol....well now he knows how I feel while he is playing the xbox all the time :) In the back of his mind and heart, he secretly likes the show because he will occasionally ask me questions about whats been happening on the latest episode I have watched. He makes me laugh :-))

I have a few other addictions that im sure you will hear about sooner or later from TV shows to my favorite foods that I cant live without!!

<3 whitney*deanne

Thursday, March 31, 2011

family nights

I moved out of my parents house in February of 2010 and have done alot of growing up and finding out what the "real world" is about. Nothing comes easy, my dad jokes with me everytime I go to visit my parents and he ask me "you need some toilet paper?". When I first moved out I didnt realize what all it meant to be on my own and didnt think about the small things you would have to buy such as toilet paper and washing detergent. I would occasionally grab a few rolls from my parents house when i would stop by :) Dad caught me throwing the toilet paper in my car one time and its been a big joke between us since then.

 I have always been close to my family, but once I moved out my parents, (mainly dad) realized he didnt get to see me as often or spend as much time with me as we use to. For those of you that do not know, I have two half brothers (Jason and Rusty) who are both married (Bridgette and Angel) and both have boys (Pate,3 and Colin,8). Im sure you will hear plenty of stories about my nephews as my blog goes on as they are my heart!! About five months ago, dad decided to start "family night". Once a, dad, me, mark, rusty, angel, colin, jason, bridgette, and pate all sit down to have a family meal and spend some quality time together. Its funny cause dad will call me about four times the day that we have "family night" and make sure i'm coming! Dad is serious about family night and I will literally get in trouble if I miss it as well as my brothers who are in there 30's! :)) I take it forgranted alot but I am so blessed to have a family and a loving family at that. The older I get, the more and more I appreciate the little things.

Tonight was this weeks "family night". When I pulled up at mom and dad's, colin and pate came running to me yelling "aunt whitney!! aunt whitney!!". They make my heart fill with joy! Colin grabs my I-phone as he always does and begins playing a game while Pate ask me to help him build a fire. Dad had a few pieces of wood in the yard so I pile it up and pate is getting more and more excited by the minute. Once Colin realizes Pate is getting all my attention he decides to help us out too :) I was just going to pretend to roast marshmellows and act like we had lit the wood BUT.... Mark and my brother Jason had a better idea. They lit the wood on fire for the boys and they just thought they were so "cool". Its in those small moments that I realize that God has blessed me greatly. I dont know what I would do without my family. I love "family night" with my family and suggest that you start a "family night" too! :)

<3 whitney*deanne